Friday, April 2, 2010

The Message//Remix: Pause

Just purchased a new Bible! It's called The Message//Remix: Pause. I've always liked The Message translation, because it is literal and modern in language and expression. So I decided to get this. The cover says it is a daily reading Bible, and there is actually a reading programme to read the entire Bible in a year.

This however, is not meant to replace your normal Bible. I will still be using my NIV Bible in Church and Bible studies... this Message Bible is more for my daily reading during devotion, or just to read as a book/novel. The not-so-good part of The Message Remix is that it doesn't print Bible verses, it just shows the chapters. But I love the way Eugene Peterson writes it, it is clear and relevant to today's context. If you ever thought that the Bible is boring, you should try The Message.

My hope with this purchase is really to read the Bible more and on a daily-basis... because God's word is alive and He speaks through His word!

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